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The BUFCO Blog

Taste Test: Ripening Tomatoes Off the Vine

| Debbie |
Many people wait patiently for fruit like tomatoes to ripen on the vine before harvesting, but the impatient among us may be pleased to know that some crops can be harvested before they are ripe, …

How to Harvest Leafy Greens

| Debbie |
Debbie’s raised bed and various pots. Humans have spent thousands of years cultivating their relationship with vegetables. We’ve come to rely on them, but to a large degree they have also have …

Soil is Alive! Feed Your Hungry Soil

| Julia |
Soil is more than just dirt. It is complex community; an interdependent ecosystem of living organisms that relies on a variety of symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationships that occur betwee…

Get to Know Your Soil

Soil is made up of different kinds of particles and components: it’s about 50% minerals (sand, clay, and silt) and organic matter (living and decaying plant material), with the the other 50% being…

Get Seed-Savvy! Tips and Tricks from a BUFCO Gardener

| Julia |
The part of Julia’s garden dubbed, “North Jungle” Have you been considering trying your hand at growing fruit, veggies and fl…

Seed Saving is an Act of Hope

Garlic chives going to seed Like many gardeners I go kicking and screaming into winter. Grey skies, slushy sidewalks and shor…


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