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Category: Musings

Our Mission: To INSPIRE Urbanites to Grow Their Own Food and Reconnect With Nature

| Arlene |
As BUFCO heads into its fifteenth year, I reflect back on our metamorphosis from mindless consumers to conscious producers. We were driven by a need to connect with the land, to get back to ba…

Why I Grow My Own Food

| Arlene |
Why do you grow your own food? This was a question I posed to workshop participants this winter. I was not at all surprised to hear the wide variety of enthusiastic answers. Take a deeper dive int…

Thinking Outside the Foodbank Box

| Marc |
I remember volunteering at a local food bank some years ago, working at the donation counter and coming face to face with people who could only put food on the table by coming in once a week. They…

On Gratitude and Silver Linings

| Marc | ,
This year, the infamous 2020, has offered little to cheer about. If years were clouds, this one would be pretty dark. At times like this, it is important to regularly take stock of all things posit…

Life with Chickens: Expanding BUFCO’s Urban Farm

| Marc |
To cross or not to cross? Question: Why did the chicken cross the road? Answer: There is no right answer. Now that we’ve gott…


| Arlene |
Notifications from Mother Nature There seem to be multiple hashtags for every day of the week, so I don’t know if Mindful Mondays is already “a thing” or if I’m starting a “new thing”. (A quick…


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