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Garden Design

We are Organic Master Gardeners Our friendly and expert gardening team will help you grow your own vegetable garden weekly, biweekly, monthly or once in a while.
All Types of Clients Our gardening services suit clients of all levels of experience and interest from Do-It-Yourselfers who want to dig in, to garden-lovers who would rather we Do-It-For-You.
All Kinds of Gardens We can garden in any space: large or small, whether growing in the ground, on a rooftop or in raised garden beds. All you need is a minimum of 4 hours of direct sun daily.
Organically Grown We follow Mother Nature’s lead and use organic practices and inputs in all our gardens.

BUFCO Design Studio

The BUFCO Design Team creates Ecological Landscape Designs for residential and commercial clients. Our designs consider each unique site from a functional, aesthetic and ecological perspective. Garden design is the first part of our Landscaping process. Learn more about Landscaping here.

1 Site Visit

The design process starts with a site visit and client interview where we uncover your design objectives. We help you determine how you want your space to function, how you want it to look and feel and how it can become a thriving ecosystem that attracts native pollinators, feeds the soil and contributes to the overall health of the surrounding environment.

Design Objectives

Site Measurements

Site Analysis Plan

Layout Optimization Plans

Residential Concept Plan

Cottage Concept Plan

Community Garden Concept Plan

Mixed Use Garden Concept Plan

Concept Plan Visualization

2 Concept Plan

Once the site is measured we create a series of drawings that culminate in a Concept Plan that is drawn to scale and includes all the elements that conform to the design objectives.

The Concept Plan is a complete blueprint of your project that enables you to seek accurate quotes from contractors like BUFCO who can bring the plan to life with build, installation and project management services.

3 Planting and Maintenance Plan

Our Ecological Landscape Designs can include a Planting Plan that provides a detailed list of plant species and can also include a Maintenance Plan so the garden can thrive for years to come.

The Planting and Maintenance Plans provide enough detail to enable you to take care of your garden on your own, or have BUFCO plant and/or maintain your garden for you.

Front Yard Planting Plan

Plant Descriptions

Happy Clients


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