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Straw Bale Gardening

| Debbie |
We are always looking for new ways to garden in underutilized urban spaces, and our yard is the perfect venue for experimentation. We operate in the corner of a parking lot in a pretty industr…

Down the Rabbit Hole: The Year of Growing Food for my Bunny

| Debbie |
Between BUFCO’s staff gardens, my CSA share from Luminous Ground Farm, my own produce needs are sufficiently met. But this causes two problems (1) my own backyard gets neglected, (2) the cutest …

“Make Meadows, Not Lawns!”

The Lawn: That perfectly green and manicured palette of Kentucky Bluegrass, was a signature of the American Dream. Neighbours could see that you had “made it” when your affairs were so in order …

Succession Success

| Debbie |
When I started gardening, I used to think that whatever I planted will stay there for the entire season; in fact, I thought that all plants would last forever if it wasn’t for winter.  I woul…

Taste Test: Ripening Tomatoes Off the Vine

| Debbie |
Many people wait patiently for fruit like tomatoes to ripen on the vine before harvesting, but the impatient among us may be pleased to know that some crops can be harvested before they are ripe, …

How to Harvest Leafy Greens

| Debbie |
Debbie’s raised bed and various pots. Humans have spent thousands of years cultivating their relationship with vegetables. We’ve come to rely on them, but to a large degree they have also have …

Author: Debbie

Debbie (she/her) studied engineering at University of Toronto and is an Organic Master Gardener. After volunteering at permaculture farms in Norway, she joined BUFCO to combine her technical skills with Arlene and Marc’s imagination to encourage mutually uplifting relationships between the earth and its inhabitants through food. She enjoys feeding garden scraps to her bunny, feeding bunny poo to her worms, then feeding worm poo back to her garden.


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