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The BUFCO Blog

After the compost tea party…

| Debbie |
Every year we like to experiment with something new at the BUFCO Lab. This winter Arlene, BUFCO’s lead gardener Julia, and I took the Organic Master Gardener course from Gaia College whic…

A Client Inspired Product

Last month one of BUFCO’s long-standing Toronto clients had us design and implement a landscape that is beyond our usual comfort zone. The work took us happily and excitedly down a new path. We rem…

Plant Life: Vertical Living vs. Garden Sprawl

| Marc |
Where do you live? Not what town, city or Rural Road, but rather, in a condominium or apartment building? A sprawling ranch house property? Basement rental or a cozy little row home? Or perhaps a m…

Caring for The Star of the Garden

| Arlene |
Tomatoes seem to take center stage in most veggie gardens and often hog the spotlight. And why not? Home grown tomatoes taste so much better than shipped-from-afar-store-bought fruits plus there ar…

Throw your Garden a Compost Tea Party

| Debbie |
This summer we’re experimenting with brewing compost tea for our plants. In a nutshell, compost tea is a concoction of compost diluted in aerated water. This was something we learned about while ta…

My Top 10 Cold Hardy Veggies

| Arlene |
Don’t Wait for May 2-4. Start Your Veggie Garden Now! How early in the season can a vegetable garden be planted? Early! You might be surprised to learn that there are many vegetables like peas, ka…


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