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The BUFCO Blog

“Make Meadows, Not Lawns!”

The Lawn: That perfectly green and manicured palette of Kentucky Bluegrass, was a signature of the American Dream. Neighbours could see that you had “made it” when your affairs were so in order …

Native Pollinator Gardens 101

| Arlene |
There has been so much talk lately about pollinator gardens and happily throughout the city you can see many budding results of this important conversation. Thanks in part to Project Swallowtail…

Thinking Outside the Foodbank Box

| Marc |
I remember volunteering at a local food bank some years ago, working at the donation counter and coming face to face with people who could only put food on the table by coming in once a week. They…

Tool Care and Safety

| Marc |
TOOL /tuːl/1) (noun) a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.2) (noun, slang) someone who lacks the capacity to realize they are being used …

Tool Time

| Marc |
Tool Time segment in Home Improvements. Source: The Wrap “Tool Time”, a heavily over-used term thanks to the popular sitcom “Home Improvements”, remains nonetheless, the appropriate heading for…

Succession Success

| Debbie |
When I started gardening, I used to think that whatever I planted will stay there for the entire season; in fact, I thought that all plants would last forever if it wasn’t for winter.  I woul…


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