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Category: In Your Garden

Fall into Autumn

The growing season is winding down with shorter days and cooler temperatures, and our gardens are starting to look a little rough around the edges. It’s time to bring in the final harvests, tidy up…

Harvest Know-How

| Arlene |
When to harvest? Before the squirrels do! September is upon us and overflowing baskets of garden goodies are everywhere. But harvesting in Zones 5 and 6 is not just an autumn endeavour. It’s a seas…

From Home to Homestead – Growing your own Urban Farm

A homestead in the city? I can almost see Groucho. Maybe so, but the urban homestead is quite real, if not yet popular. So, what is a homestead? We all know what a home is – a place where you live…

Support Your Local Pollinators – and they will support you!

Pollinators range from butterflies, bees, beetles, small mammals, birds and bats that are responsible for facilitating 90% of the pollination of our world’s flowering plants. They may feed off poll…

Purging Pipes: The Who What When Where Why and How

| Marc | ,
I hate to say it, but frost is almost here, and freezing temperatures are next. Winter, so they say, is coming. Don’t worry, though. Spring is only five months away. Five…months… Here’s the thing a…

Goodnight Gardens – Feed the Soil that Feeds You

Autumn is a bittersweet time of year. The days are getting noticeably shorter yet garden-weary plant-lovers can now look forward to a winter rest. But before that can happen there is much to be don…


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