Tomato Pruning 101 – July 20, 2024


10 North Queen St., Etobicoke, ON M8Z 2C4
Saturday, July 20, 2024, 10am-12pm

Arlene demystifies the tomato pruning process in this hands on workshop that set participants up for success! We take a deep dive into tomato anatomy, provide opportunity for hands on pruning, staking and feeding practice, and learn important harvest tips and tricks. Each participant will leave with a properly pruned, staked and fed tomato plant that can be planted out or potted up at home. Bring your pruners and garden gloves. Everything else is supplied!

Participants enjoy a 20% discount on all BUFCO products (custom raised beds and Specialty Beds excluded) during workshops.

Cost includes $39 registration + $35 in materials.

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SKU: WS-TOM Category:


10 North Queen St., Etobicoke, ON M8Z 2C4
Saturday, July 20, 2024, 10am-1pm

Duration: 2 hours

Introduction: Arlene demystifies the tomato pruning process in this hands on workshop that set participants up for success! We take a deep dive into tomato anatomy, provide opportunity for hands on pruning, staking and feeding practice, and learn important harvest tips and tricks. Each participant will leave with a properly pruned, staked and fed tomato plant that can be planted out or potted up at home. Bring your pruners and garden gloves. Everything else is supplied!

Participants enjoy a 20% discount on all BUFCO products (custom raised beds and Specialty Beds excluded) during workshops.

Materials included:

  • 1 x gallon pot with tomato plant
  • 1 x 4′ bamboo stake
  • string
  • velcro
  • tomato clips
  • 1/4 cup Jocelyn’s Soil Booster
  • 1 tablespoon Betterworld Plant Food
  • Soil feeding drench (1 portion of a 2 gallon pot of soil amendments)


Arlene Hazzan Green (she/her) is an Organic Master Gardener, an Accredited Organic Land Care Practitioner with Society for Organic Urban Landcare (SOUL), and has a Diploma in Organic Land Care from Gaia College. An avid, life-long gardener and learner, Arlene is also a BUFCO Garden Designer as well as BUFCO CEO and Co-Owner.

Additional information

Session Time

Saturday, January 27, 9:30am-12:30pm


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